Mix Worship Arts Camp
Mix Worship Arts Camp is more than just a music camp. It’s a place where students are discipled. It’s a place where kids learn the true meaning of worship. It’s where students from across the state come together to use their skills for the glory of God!
This camp takes place each July at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega, Alabama.
It is for students in 2nd through 12th grade and even provides opportunities for college students to serve. Students will be divided into Grades 2-5, Grade 6, and Grades 7-12 — 3 separate camps at 1 location!
Children's Honor Choir
This choir gathers children grades 4-6 from across the state to grow in their leadership and service skills through the common love of worship through music.
This is an auditioned group that also uses dance, media, painting, and other worship arts to enhance the worship experience.
This group tours in various parts of the state in late February or early March every year.
Being selected in this choir produces a deeper love for music, the Word of God, and sets up a friend base for life!
Children's Honor Choir
This choir gathers children grades 4-6 from across the state to grow in their leadership and service skills through the common love of worship through music.
This is an auditioned group that also uses dance, media, painting, and other worship arts to enhance the worship experience.
This group will tour in Central Alabama on March 3-5. On March 4, at 6:30 pm, the concert will be presented at FBC Prattville (138 S. Washington Street, Prattville, AL 36065). On March 5, they will be at Crossroads Community Church (150 Mt. Hebron St. Elmore, AL) with limited seating.
Please come hear them sing at one of these locations! Hearing these unchanged voices sing in 3-5 part harmony is breath-taking!!
One Voice
This choir gathers children grades 7-12 from across the state to grow in their leadership and service skills through the common love of worship through music.
This is an auditioned group that also uses dance, media, painting, and other worship arts to enhance the worship experience.
This group tours in various parts of the state in early March.
Being selected in this choir produces a deeper love for music, the Word of God, and sets up a friend base for life!
One Voice
This choir gathers children grades 7-12 from across the state to grow in their leadership and service skills through the common love of worship through music.
This is an auditioned group that also uses dance, media, painting, and other worship arts to enhance the worship experience.
This group will tour March 15-17. On March 17, the concert will be presented at Ozark Baptist Church, Ozark, AL.
Please come hear them sing on Sunday, March 17th! Hearing these youth voices sing in 4-5 part harmony is rapturous!
Leadership Resources
The LIFT! Defining Worship Conference has 3 objectives: to worship God with all your heart, mind, and soul; to experience Worship creatively with fresh possibilities to use in your own church; and to provide teaching tools to equip you to fill your needs.
This event is created for worship leaders (including pastors), worship teams, and tech. teams, to join together and rediscover the love and importance of leading worship.
It’s also a great time for networking and fellowship amongst people doing similar ministry to you in their own churches!
Children's Music Summit
Exciting hands-on training for Children’s Choir Workers. Experience the fun of teaching music to any age preschooler or child. Discover new ways to make choir or music time a favorite for kids! Watch the love for worship come alive! Mingle with others in similar situations! Learn to use games and toys to add more excitement to your music time! Also a great conference for daycare workers! Features clinicians from all over the Southeast and beyond.
Connecting ministers of music-full-time, part-time, and bi-vocational through email and social media to share information, music, or music resources.
Resume Referals
Church…are you looking for a Worship Leader? Peruse through our list of resumes. Worship Leaders…are you called to lead worship but don’t know where to start? Send your resume to us so other churches can find you!
State led adult choirs

Alabama Singing Women
This group is comprised of women from Baptist churches around the state who have a desire to share His Word through music. This group is a selected group of women singing in 3 and 4 part harmonies who is recommended by their music minister. We meet together in September for a retreat to fellowship, grow in the Lord, and perfect the blend of the music that is sung on tour. This group typically tours each November which culminates with singing during the annual Alabama Baptist State Convention.
Alabama Singing Men
Alabama Singing Men is comprised of Alabama ministers of music and laymen from around the state who have a desire to share His Word through music. This group typically sings during the annual state convention and also tours in the spring. The purpose of the retreat is to learn the music and prepare for these events.
Why Sing Slides
We would love for you to be able to use these slides as a part of your Sunday morning announcements to help your congregation to understand why we should sing! Not if you can sing tunefully or not… Please feel free to use these!